Get started with Seat4events
Sign up for a free account today and get started on setting up your next event.

Seat Mapping | Event Listing | Event Ticketing
Sign up for free to start creating and customising event pages designed to convert visitors into attendees of your events.
Display the seating arrangement of your event so attendees can choose the best seat options when buying tickets.
Get specific information about your ticket buyers, ticket sales, event attendance, bookings and more.
Reduce the queue and waiting times at check-in by scanning ticket QR codes with our easy-to-use mobile app.
Sign up for a free account to create your event. You need to choose a package and fill in your basic details.
Before you can create an event, you need to select a package that best suits your needs for your event.
Personalise your host dashboard by uploading pictures and social media links.
Click on create event on the host dashboard to add details, images, banners, ticket info, pricing, dates, and times.
If you need a seat map, Seat4events is perfect for you. We'll create a seating plan for your event so your attendees can choose their seats when purchasing event tickets.
We'll then create a seat map of your venue that's linked to each ticket. You can review the seat map created for your event and publish your event.
Sign up for a free account today and get started on setting up your next event.
You'll be able to review information about your ticket buyers, sales, event attendance, and more.
Set your payout methods and request payout easily. You'll also be able to review reports of bookings and earnings on your host dashboard.
Monitor your ticket sales in real-time on your host dashboard. Download our mobile app so you can review it on the go.
Event organisers can see details of their events and easily edit, publish, and manage individual events.
Email tickets with QR codes to your attendees. They can also download their tickets directly from their account.
Enable contactless check-in for event attendees with your unique QR code. With an easy to scan QR code, event check-in is seamless, efficient and professional. Cut down on wait times without sacrificing security.
You can monitor event check-in in real-time on your host dashboard and mobile app.
Our mission is to deliver a seamless experience for you and your event attendees. Every stage of the process is simple and easy to follow, ensuring your event goes smoothly. Our event management platform makes setting up an event a snap, whether it’s in-person or virtual.
View why Seat4events is essential for your events.